Positive Community Response to Rainbow Pride Crosswalks for Wilton Library and YMCA, for Leading on Inclusivity

This year was the first one that Wilton Pride collaborated with the Riverbrook Regional/Wilton YMCA and Wilton Library to create rainbow-painted crosswalks at their locations during Pride Month. Officials at the library and the YMCA said response from the community was overwhelmingly positive and they agreed that taking the lead on the painted installations sent a message of inclusivity and safety for all in the community — key steps that aligned with both organizations’ missions.

Read full article: https://goodmorningwilton.com/wilton-library-riverbrook-ymca-wilton-pride-crosswalks/


Wilton Pride and Wilton Library to Host “Come Out & Run 5K” in September


Pride Rainbow Crosswalks at Wilton Library and YMCA Bring Message of Affirmation for Wilton’s LGBTQ+ Community